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Send your travel request to our dedicated travel team to (941) 499-0163 (text message only). If you're on your mobile device, simple click the button below.

Send us the following information:

  • Arrival date
  • Departure date
  • Number of guests
  • Number of adults, number of children
  • Your certificate code and number (found on your purhcase confirmation)
Send SMS message
  • Wyndham Hotel and Resorts
  • Harrah's Casinos
  • Best Western Hotels
  • Holiday Inn
  • Sheraton Hotels and Resorts
  • La Quinta Inns and Suites

Your purchase will appear on your statement as Take a Getaway.

Portions of this Vacation Voucher may be administered and fulfilled by Take Three Nights: Fla. Seller of Travel Reg. No ST36512; CST No. 2099004-50. California law requires certain Sellers of Travel to have a trust account or bond. This business has a bond issued by California, Office of the Attorney General in the amount of $10,000.

This Vacation Voucher is an offer to sell travel issued under license by Time Travel of Pompano Beach, Inc. Fla Seller of Travel Reg. No. 23515.

You must be 21 years of age or older to be eligible to purchase this product. This voucher is valid for hotel accommodations only and does not include transportation, taxes, meals, incidentals or any other miscellaneous expenses. Take Two Nights, its affiliates, agents, assignees, licensees and designees, act only as agents for hotels and will not assume any responsibility for any loss, delay, accident, injury or damage to persons, property or any liability whatsoever arising from or in conjunction with services provided.

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